Literature (WP 2)
2.1. Gudea Cylinder A. Observations on the text’s micro-structure. by Lucrezia Menicatti, MA
2.2. Notes on the construction of meaning in an Old Babylonian bilingual proverb about exotic animals. by Dr. Frank Simons
2.3. Parallelism in Ugaritic Poetry. by Clemens Steinberger
2.4. When Repetition Fails—The Curious Case of the Hittite Šar Tamḫāri. by Henry J. A. Lewis
Magic (WP 3)
3.1. Burn your troubles away. The magical ceremony Šurpu. by Dr. Frank Simons
3.2. Purification Through Word and Deed: Phonological Repetition and Analogical Thinking in Two Maqlû Incantations by Maya Rinderer
Divination (WP 4)
4.1. If a pig carries a reed and enters a man’s house… Observations on some structuring devices in Babylonian omen lists. by Dr. Nicla De Zorzi
4.2 Stealing the Property of the Gods. Observations on a Top-Middle-Base Omen Sequence from an Old Babylonian Liver Model. by Lucrezia Menicatti, MA
4.3. Aspects of Creativity in the Assyrian Dream Book. by Matthew Ong
4.4. If the Thunder Cries Like an Animal. Horizontal Connections and Vertical Arrangement in EAE 44: 17-20. by Lucrezia Menicatti, MA
4.5.”From White, to Red, to Dark” Colors and Their Interpretation in Manzāzu 2: 42-45. by Lucrezia Menicatti, MA
4.6. Repetition as an Argumentative Technique in the Diagnostic Handbook by Eric Schmidtchen